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Water Bottle Chip Refill - Golden Rutilated Qtz. Chips

Water Bottle Chip Refill - Golden Rutilated Qtz. Chips

Regular price $9.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $9.00 USD
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Quartz with its golden rutilates infuses your body with a divine line, energizing your chakras. They help strengthen your motivation and willpower. Golden rutilated quartz is a very powerful healing crystal as they carry angelic and etheric vibrations that can help connect you with ethereal beings. Read on to learn more facts about gold rutilated quartz.

A rutilated quartz features the inclusions of Rutile within its crystals. And while we have golden rutilated quartz, the rutile inclusions also be more copper, red-brown, black or silver in color. Most pieces of rutile are small needles such as threads within the stone.

The golden rutilated quartz is usually known as the “Hair of Venus”.  And the quartz can be smokey or clear and the golden color needles have a slightly different effect when used for healing.

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