Rhodonite Tumbles
Rhodonite Tumbles
Rhodonite is a crystal filled with love and balance. It has been nicknamed the “Stone of Love” due to its ability to fully clear, stimulate, and reactivate your heart. Rhodonite's energies vibrate outwards and assists in self love and value. This crystal pushes you to really love yourself so that you may offer love to someone else. Rhodonite produces generosity, joy, and happiness to anyone who constantly works with or carries a piece.
Rhodonite is a very strong stone that helps reduce and suppress anxiety. This stone is a comforting stone that will “hold you” in times of need and can even be rubbed in times of distress. It will strengthen your heart and show you just how strong you can be, even in what you may think is your weakest environment. We recommend anyone who suffers from depression, anxiety, or lack of confidence to carry a piece on them daily.